ENADA RIMINI PRIMAVERA coin-op show 2008
Il prototipo del flipper "Indiana Jones" (Stern Pinball, Inc.)!
foto di Federico Croci, Matteo Marioni e Piero Cavina
click to change game's review!
Very early software release
Still blank on the back..
One of the first "Indiana Jones" serials"!
Manufactured just a week before this trade show!
Writing in italian language just over the headbox says "Preliminary art and game rules"
The son of Indiana Jones!
The picture which started it all: me playing while Mr.Stern is watching
Suddenly, a trouble with the magnet just before the ark...
Luckily enough, Mr. Stern is here, ready to help!
Let me lend an hand!
Piero Cavina tries his hand at Indiana...
A side of the Ark
..in the hurry of having it ready for the show, something went wrong!
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