Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: Jun 15, 2008
1p, 2p, 4p = 1,2 or 4 players
Original flyers (when available): click on the manufacturer's name to go to the flyers' page.
costruttori sconosciuti-unknown manufacturers
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Gun MenAquarium looks like an italian kit inspired from the Gottlieb's "Aquarius" - check the differencies (higher scoring, no credit window, etc)
Lido (looks like a kit for an old "Subway" - maybe from Dama - art by Cortez?)
Hell (Art by Mike)
Neptune (collezione Massimiliano Vitasevic)
El Viti (kit for Gottlieb's Harmony/Troubadour)
Sky Devil's
Fifteen goals
Card Trix (very similar to the original from Gottlieb, apart for the position of the writing "Senza ripetizione della partita")
Ball Pool (found by Mixie - photo taken with a cellular)
Happening (versione 1) (1970 - first work by Mike)
Happening (versione 2)(collezione Marco, Seveso (MI) (praticamente identico al precedente, probabilmente lo stesso kit ma per un flipper diverso - manca la firma di Mike, e mancano i 5 fiorellini per indicare le palline vinte)
Full (forse stesso produttore del modello "Happening")
Dig a Star (da eBay.it - forse della DAMA?)
The Royal
Jolly Roger ("Harmony"/"Troubadour")
A.M.I. spa - Apparecchi Musicali Italiani (Torino, Italy - Sig. Luigi Lazzaroni)
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1975 Derby - em - 1p (gennaio 1975 - presentato all'Enada ottobre 1974)Hot Race - em - 4p 1976 West Show - em - 1p Big Hunt - em - 1p
The Shark - em - 1p
Navajo - em - 4p
Sprint Girl - em - 1p
Artigiana Ricambi (Sesto Fiorentino -FI)
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???? Sandokan (modifica Card Trix) 1976 (?) Bowlingirl1977 Stunt Cars (modifica Card King)
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1978 The King - ss - 4p1979 Sinbad (co-production Europlay/Bell Games) - ss - 4p Sexy Girl - ss - 4p (co-production Arkon/Ranco/Bell Games) 1980 The Hunter - ss - 4p White Shark - ss - 4p
Cosmodrome - ss - 4p 1981 Frontier - ss - 4p Fireball II - ss - 4p Flash Gordon - ss - 4p 1982 Fantasy (Centaur) - ss - 4p Magic Picture Pin (co-production Arkon/Ranco/Bell Games) - ss - 4p 1983 Pin Ball (Pinball Champ '82) - ss - 4p
Pinball Pool (Eight Ball De Luxe) - ss - 4p 1984 Cosmic Flash - ss - 4p Super Bowl (X's & O's) - ss - 4p Tiger Rag (King of Steel) - ss - 4p 1985 New Wave (Black Pyramid) - ss - 4p Saturn II (Spy Hunter) - ss - 4p World Defender - ss - 4p 1986 Space Hawks (Cybernaut) - ss - 4p Dark Shadow - ss - 4p Skill Flight - ss - 4p 1987 Cobra - ss - 4p Future Queen - ss - 4p F1 Grand Prix - ss - 4p 1988 Top Pin (Pinbot) - ss - 4p U-Boat 65 - ss - 4p
BEM srl (Sig. Giorgio Masiero - Milano, Italy)
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Un BEM 'testa piccola' purtroppo ancora sconosciuto, da una intervista al prestigiatore Toni Binarelli:??? (year unknown - identified as manufactured by BEM thanks to Thierry Delisle) Ascot (cavallini in movimento sotto al piano di gioco, come nel "Winner" Williams) (collezione Alex Tsiotas)
1976 Crocket - em - 1p
Jackpot - em - 1p
Black Jack - ss ('testa piccola') (thanks to Massimo Maestroni)
Sun's Cruise - ss ('testa piccola') - 1p
Travel Agency - em - 1p
Jackrabbit - ss ('testa piccola') - 1p (thanks to Massimo Maestroni)
???? Dog's Race (running dogs in the headbox, similar to Williams' "Derby Day")
???? Casino' (?) Urania
???? Arabic Power
BENSA srl (Milano, Italy)
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??? (year unknown - identified as manufactured by Bensa thanks to Thierry Delisle) Surf (1 player) 1973 Space Time Wild Boy1974 Big Brave (grafica della testata ispirata dal Gottlieb, ma piano originale) - em - 1p Knokout
1975 Jack in the box
1976 Sure Shot
BONTEMPI srl (Roma, Italy)
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Action (copy of game from Chicago Coin's ?)
C.E.A. snc - Costruzioni Elettroniche Automatiche di Pavone & c. (Bologna, Italy)(Sig. Dante Pavone)
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1976 Lucky Shot - ss - 1p (Enada V)1977 Timothyt T. - em - 1p
Alpha 2001 - ss - 1p
Timothyt - ss - 4p 1978 Fly Man - ss - 1p Satellite - ss - 4p 1979 Super Tris - ss - 1p Three Aces - ss - 4p
CEFF Costruzioni Meccaniche (Piacenza, Italy)
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Five Martians Joker Ball
Dalla Pria/ABM Electronics srl (Piove di Sacco - PD)
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Stellar Airship (art by Mike)(kit for em Gottliebs)![]()
DAMA (kit manufacturer) (Milano, Italy)
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Grand Slam (Ice Show)
(?) 1970 Golf (grafica di Cortez)
Mexico 70 (grafica di Cortez) Angels (Rancho)
Basket (Bazaar) Bookmaker's (Lunar Shot) Devil's (Rocket III)
Frogmen (Bazaar)
Gold Beach (sala-giochi Happy Days - Riccione)
Hippies (Top Hand) Hippye (Top Hand)(grafica di Cortez)
Hippie (Bally "Capersville") (grafica di Cortez)
Basket (Bazaar) Book Makers Flipper O.K. Corral Novelty Player Ponies World Star Las Vegas (Solitaire) Mondial Bank (Harmony) New City (Big Strike) Play Time (Ice Show) Rally (Elite Guard) (collezione Paolo Evangelista)
Road (Electra Pool) Spider (Hurdy Gurdy)
Western (Subway)
World Star (Magic Town) Jolly (Hurdy Gurdy)
EGS (??-??)
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1981 New York Defence (vid-pinball)
ELBOS srl (1981-????)
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1982 Sea Devil - ss - 4p Genesis - ss - 4p
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1965 Calcio Italia (prima serie con lanciabiglia manuale) - em - 2p 1966 Calcio Italia (seconda serie con testatina) - em - 2p (same cabinet graphics as rare Bally's "Boot-a-Ball")Casino' 1970 Derby (kit for Bally's Gold Rush)
1969 Good Year (kit for Williams' Lunar Shot) 1968 Macao
Rose & Can Can
1970 Mexico (kit for Bally's Rocket III)
Scala Reale Summer Time (kit for Gottliebs' Solitaire - Hit a card) ???? Selen Cup - em - 2p Night Club - em - 1p Carnival - em - 1p (Subway)
EUROPLAY/NEW EUROPLAY (1974-?)(Quarto Inferiore (BO) - Italy)
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1974 Sky Star - em - 1p (primo modello - presentato Fiera di Milano 73 o 74)(art: Mike) Tic & Toc - em - 1p (oct. 1974 - scritte in italiano - presentato Enada III)Big Dryvers - em - 4p
Big Dryvers - ss - 4p 1975 Tanga - em - 1p (scritte in italiano)
1976 El Dorado - em - 1p Card Whiz - em - 1p 1978 Red Arrow - em - 1p (by "New Europlay)(art: Mike)(first with "Biri Biri" feature)
Royal King - em - 1p Sky Fly - F 1979 Sinbad - em - 1p (by "New Europlay)("SiMbad" on the flyer and cabinet, "SiNbad" on the backglass and schematics)
(pictures from an actual "Sinbad" pinball machine; note that the name on the cabinet was corrected in the spelling, with respect to the one pictured in the flyer above) Dalla collezione di Nicola Melotti
Dragon - em - 1p
FERNA srl (??-??)
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1979 Steeple (?)
G.BRAUN (??-??)
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copia del Galaxie Gottlieb's![]()
GGB/SKILL GAME (S.Lazzaro(BO), Italy)
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Space Time - em - 1pThe Best Corsair (1976)(art: Mike) The Best Card King The Best Galaxie - em - 1p (by "skill game")(art: Mister X)
The Best Wizard - em - 1p (inspired from Gottlieb's "Wizard")(art: Mike) (signed backglass from Federico Croci's collection)
GL (Sig. Giuliano Lodola, Avenza - Massa Carrara, Italy)
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???? Jolly Joker1978 Golden Arrow - em - 1p
Giunone (Poseidon) - em - 1p 1979 Rocky Girl (Rock Star) - em - 1p
Rocky Girl (Rock Star) - ss - 1p
Basket World Trotter (Harlem Globetrotters) - ss - 1p Basket World Trotter (Harlem Globetrotters) - ss - 4p
1980 Black Hole (Blackout) - ss - 4p
Black Rider (Black Knight) - ss - 4p
1981 Zoser (Pharaoh) - ss - 4p
???? Space Woman (GL ?) - ss - 4p - with "mixage record" feature
IDI (Alessandria, Italy)
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1978 Ice Mania - SS - 4p Movie Master - SS - 4p Sky Warrior - SS - 4p Tiger Woman - SS - 4p??? Sky Warrior_ (kit)
Italiana Biliardi (??-Sig. G.Onorato)
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1976 Pin football
LORI (Budrio (BO), Italy)(Sig. Lorenzo Rimondini)
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Top Hand ("Serigrafia Lori")Jungle Life
Space Orbit
Play Pool
MAMBELLI (Cesena - Italy)
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Buck Rogers (kit for Tiger)Gorgar (kit for Jungle Life) Kiss (kit for Space Orbit) (immagini dalla collezione di Red Ronnie)
MANILAMATIC - (Roma, Italy)(Sig. Antonio Manili)
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1976 Lucky Man ??? - flipper elettronico presentato ultimo giorno Enada III - designer Tito Bresca Pool Rabbit Top Sound
MD (?? - ??)
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A conversion kit for Gottlieb's "Electra Pool". It consisted of a new backglass, and a self-adhesive sheet to be applied on the original playfield.![]()
MODEL RACING (Montemarciano - Ancona, Italy)
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UFO (video flipper)Satellite TV (UFO re-run)
MONDIAL MATIC (Firenze, Italy)
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1979 Sisters (Royal Pair) - em - 1pTake a card (Texas Ranger) - em - 1p Big Dryvers (Space Orbit) - em - 1p Cleopatra (Play Pool) - em - 1p Lovers (Sky Divers) - em - 1p
Jolly Joker
The Best Jump
Emmepi (??)
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Card King (copy of same Gottlieb's game)Jungle Life (copy of Gottlieb's game)
MR.GAME (Bologna, Italy)
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1988 Dakar 1989 Motor Show (= "Fast Track" prototype) Mac Attack (game and flyer design by Toni Ramunni) 1990 World Cup '90 (game and flyer design by Toni Ramunni)
NORDAMATIC (Verona, Italy)
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1974 Big Sakem (Nordmatic - presentato alla 3a Enada) 1975 Champion - em - 1pFoot Baller
1976 Explorer - em - 1p Monte Carlo - em - 1p
Lucky Man - em - 2p 1977 Card Castle - em - 1p Saturn - em - 1p 1978 Atlantis - em - 1p Devil - em - 1p 1979 Discomania - em - 1p Antares - ss - 4p
PASINI (Bologna - Italy)
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Old BendOld Gold (sala-giochi Happy Days)
Old Time Count Down Bonnie '70 (Bonnie & Clide ?) Bonnie & Clide
P.C. (???? - ????)
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Marte ("Electra Pool")![]()
PINBALL SHOP (Bologna - Italy) (Sig. Baldazzi)
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Flesh and Blood ("Pinball Champ") (Foto dalla collezione di Maurizio Iannuzzelli)Gremlins
Horror Collezione Saverio e Francesco Kit di modifica per lo "Space Shuttle" Zaccaria
PLAYMEC (S.Lazzaro di Savena (BO) - Italy) (Sig. Pino Dal Bagno)
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1973-74 Big Sakem (rigenerato)1975 Speed Rush - em - 1p
1976? El Tigre Jackpot 15° Pool Corsair
RIFLIP - Organizzazione Costa (Torino)
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1968 San Marco![]()
Ditta RIPEPI spa -(Messina, Italy)
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???? Time Out1976 Caravan Gold Gold Star
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1979 Play Girl![]()
R.M.G. (1968-1974->Europlay)(Sig. Renato Montanari)(Bologna, Italy)
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The 30' Years - em - 1p (kit for Gottlieb's "Elite Guard")Race Day - em - 1p (kit for Gottlieb "Solitaire")
Poker Game Big Valley - em - 4p (copy of Bally "Big Valley") Jungle King - em - 1p (copy of Gottlieb "Jungle King") Miss Theresine - em - 1p (copy of Gottlieb "Hi-Lo") Only Star - em - 1p (copy of Gottlieb "Star Trek") Space Orbit - em - 1p (copy of Gottlieb "Space Orbit") Strike - em - 1p (1973)(copy of Gotllieb "Ten Up") (by "erremmegi")(art: Mike) (1973 - Enada II) Top Hand - em - 1p (copy of Gottlieb "Top Hand") (by "erremmegi")("app. modificato") Flying Carpet - em - 1p (1972) (copy of Gottlieb "Flying Carpet")
Card Trix Galaxy
SIPEM-SIDAM (Torino, Italy)
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Rugby (video-pinball)![]()
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TECNOPLAY (San Marino)
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1987 Devil King (re-release of Zaccaria's kit "Mystic Star") - ss - 4p Scramble - ss - 4p X Force - ss - 6p1988 Space Team - ss - 4p Hi Ball - ss - 4p
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ZACCARIA (Calderara di Reno, Bologna, Italy)
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(?) 1973: Tropical - 1p - emJungle Life - 1p - em (?) 1974: Cine Star - 1p - em Strike - 1p - em Strike - 1p - em (home version, no coin door) 1975: Red Show - 1p - em
Lucky Fruit - 1p - em Ten Up - 4p - em 1976: Woods Queen - 1p - em Woods Queen - 2p - em Woods Queen - 4p - em Ten Stars - 1p - em 1977: Moon Flight - 1p - em Universe - 4p - em Circus - 4p - em Aerobatics - 1p - em Supersonic - 1p - em Nautilus - 1p - em
Combat - 4p - em Combat - 4p - ss 1978: Winter Sports - 4p - ss - 01/78 Queen Castle - 1p - em - 04/78 House of Diamonds - 4p - ss - 07/78 Strike - 1p - ss - 09/78 Ski Jump - 1p - ss - 10/78 Ski Jump - 1p - em ??/78 Future World - 4p - ss - 10/78 1979: Shooting the rapids - 4p - ss - 04/79 Hot Wheels - 4p - ss - 09/79 Space City - 1p - ss - 09/79 1980: Fire Mountain - ss - 4p - 01/80 Star God - ss - 4p - 05/80 Space Shuttle - ss - 4p - 09/80 1981: Earth, Wind & Fire - ss - 4p - 04/81 Locomotion - ss - 4p - 09/81 1982: Pinball Champ '82 - ss - 4p - 04/82 Soccer King - ss - 4p - 09/82 1983: Pinball Champ - ss - 4p Time Machine - ss - 4p - 04/83 Farfalla - ss - 4p - 09/83 Pinball Champ - ss (seven digit displays) - 4p 1984: Devil Riders - ss - 4p - 04/84 Magic Castle - ss - 4p - 09/84 1985: Robot - ss - 4p - 01/85 Clown - ss - 4p - 07/85 Pool Champion - ss - 4p - 12/85 1986: Blackbelt - ss - 4p Mexico '86 - ss - 4p Zankor - ss - 4p Mystic Star - ss - 4p (kit) 1987: Spooky - ss - 4p Star's Phoenix - ss - 4p New Star's Phoenix - ss - 4p