- A well-known maker of separate parts (like controls) founded
by Augusto Alberici (who died in 2012) in Bologna and still in
business. Alberici is probably the final buyilder of the
machines designed by Bacchilega.
- Bontempi, along with Nat, built a cabinet for Crazy Balls by
Bruno Cleva
- The name "Bruno Cleva, Trieste" was found (by Pero S.) in Bosnia-Herzegovina inside a PSE "Bazooka" cabinet. Trieste is a city, located in proximity of the border between Italy and the former Yugoslavia.
- Dassì sold Labirinto, Football Stop, Missile and Ping Pong.
They should be based on Allied Eng. or Ramtek creations.
- Tiziano Tredese, formerly chairman of AEA, founded in Rubano (Padova) the company Elmac, which is now a gambling machines distributor We know about a non-gambling Elmac game, called "Gioca Quiz". No unit has be found, according to some rumors it should be an alternate version of "Quiz" by Elettronolo. There is also an Elmac PCB with a "World Cup" stickers; we don't know which game is.
- GMA's "Euro Ranger" was probably based on a
bootleg of Enduro Racer (Sega) made by someone in Spain.
- Builder of several pirated copies including "Asteroide". On eBay there is a company called Digital Servizi di Luca Maxenti, based in the province of Sondrio, which sells various cabinet parts, and some have a style attributable to the Maxenti creations.
- Mobilmatic was founded by Luigi Serafin. Their "Enduro Dakar" was based on a bootleg of Enduro Racer (Sega) made by Beta in Spain.
Star Elettronica
- Distributor of "Ghox" by Toaplan. The board arrived from Japan with the possibility to display the name of Star, by setting the dip switches.