- TBM stands for (Fausto) Tabarroni, Boldini & (Paolo)
Morisi, the three founders.
- It was already known as a Jukebox manufacturer.
- The first brochure (1978) listed only the address of "Organizzazione (organization) Paolo Morisi", in San Giovanni in Persiceto, near Bologna. The first version of PCB bears the words "OPM Patents"
- Thanks to Fausto Tabarroni for contributing to this information, and for having sold a part of the warehouse to Vernimark, who is trying to reconstruct the full story of the game.
- TBM is still in business, produces gambling video games
and In 2014 acquired the rights of the Eurostar Italia brand.
Name | Orig. | Year | Emul. | Info |
Off Limits |
1978 |
Super Off-Limits | 1979 ? |
Off Limits
A game derived from Breakout by Atari.
There are three versions. In the former one could choose between seven different types of barrier; Large, mobile, with small mobile tunnels, with large mobile tunnels, with four fixed tunnels, with intermittent tunnel, wall. The selector was inside the car, so only the maintainer could choose.
The second version was sold to Zaccaria; It is unclear whether TBM
has also marketed some units. In this model the player can choose
the barrier type with an external command. The types are six:
compared to the first version, "wall" is missing.
The third version brings the TBM brand, has an external selector to choose the type of barrier, but has only four types: "large mobile tunnels" and "intermittent tunnel" have been removed.
A working unit is located, from 2016, at the Spazio Tilt in Bologna
(see Home Tilt link).
TBM, at the Enada 2015 in Rome, presented a gambling video game with
the same name and the same logo, but with the Eurostar brand.
Photos: In the upper left, the first version cabinet, as pictured the brochure (from tilt.it); In the upper right the third version, and, below, the barrier selector (from Vernimark); Even below, the TBM-Eurostar sign posted at ENADA 2015. (from tilt.it)
Super Off-Limits
Just a bezel of this game was found. According to Fausto Tabarroni, there is a PCB in some warehouse. We do not know if it was actually distributed.