UPDATE: nuove foto/more pictures!
In diretta dal nostro stand in fiera all’Enada, ecco che cosa vediamo in giro per la fiera giorno per giorno… a partire dal nuovo flipper Stern (un prototipo?) “Iron Man”!
Live from our stand at the Enada Coin-op Trade Show in Rimini (Italy), you’ll find here photos and videos of the most curious things we can see around us.. starting from the prototype of the new Stern’s pinball game “Iron Man”!
I can’t say nothing about game’s rules, after all it was just software version 0.01 (after an update Gary Stern did on the fly, I’m wondering which version was installed before that), and actually there were no game rules at all, just some sounds and animation on shooting the ramps…

I really liked the spinners with no decals as well as the center playfield’s toy, all in metal, which I believe fitted very well with the general theme; this was before realizing that, maybe, decals on the spinners and all were missing only because it was a prototype
There’s a thing no one noticed (and maybe it’s too hard to be seen in the photos I uploaded until now): on the left of the playfield, there’s a Gen.Yagov (F14 Tomcat) kickback feature.
Another thing: the whiplash multiball magnet and the targets behind it reminded me a lot of the Ringmaster zone in Cirqus Voltaire, only reduced in size
Ciao, Frederico. Very exciting pics. It’s also pretty clear that it’s a prototype when the inserts say ‘start feature’.
One point, if a picture is 1000 words, then video is all that was ever written.
Can we get some video of the playfield in action, perhaps some display animations?
Barring that, more pictures of the upper playfield, less of the cabinet 3/4 shot.
Grazie mille,
Fernando Cucci
First of all, as Mr. Stern explained today, please keep in mind this is just a prototype, assembled in a hurry to attend this trade show. Label on the back shows a manufacturing date of march 9, 2010, that’s only a week ago, I suppose it was sent via air cargo in order to arrive on time!
Another curious thing to check, look at the flash and lights reflections on the playfield: it’s not a silkscreened playfield, as Mr. Stern told us, it was made in a hurry too via something like laser printing, just to actually have a playfield for this working proto to show!
About a video of the game play, I’m trying to do it but, as I told before, there’s very little gameplay to be checked. Unfortunately, it’s very difficult to hear the sounds and music, I should turn off all those “Guitar Hero Arcade” around the pinball to manage to do that. There are no special copyright on the playfield or the backglass, and I suppose that if it used Ac/Dc real music, that should have been declared somewhere; but again, there are no copyright or other messages anywhere, apart for a “(TM) Marvel” in the left outlane. Even the Stern own logo can be seen nowhere, apart for the backglass…
Did you play on it? Any news on if AC/DC are included in the soundtrack?
Thanks for the pics! Looking forward to playing it soon I hope!
belle le foto fede, peccato non avere anche un video per vedere il flipper in azione
Nice Pics Frederico. Looking forward to seeing more pics of the game.