

1977, em, 1 player


other serial numbers submitted: 0294, 0551
serial number range: 0561 – 0111 (= 450)

(IPDB link)

ROMs – DE, FR, GB, IT (David Gersic)
Manual + schematic (
Instruction Cards (Inkochnito)


updated 14-8-2010

10 pensieri riguardo “Aerobatics

  1. I sent the pics yesterday, and he posted ring kits (search ebay for 140975114363) and tune up kits, which include a few other items (search ebay for 181139558608).

  2. Johnny, did you ever find a manual or which sizes for the rubbers? If not, I’m working with someone who says they have kits for all Zaccaria machines except Aerobatics. They say they can create a ring kit from photos, which I’m hoping to provide this week.

  3. hello,
    does anyone have a manual for a Zaccaria Aerobatics pinball machine? ALSO, i need to order new rubbers for this game. Does anyone have the sizes and the quantity that are needed? thanks, johnny . i live in houston texas USA

  4. HI Peter, thanks very much for responding, I had given up hope of finding a circuit!. Yes, that sounds like the size of a cicuit I found for a similar Zaccaria machine. Would much appreciate a high-res scan [detail on these can be tiny] via e-mail if possible, or post a photocopy. Will be happy to help you troubleshoot any problems with yours. My Aerobatics is still running fine and has lots of use, but still need to sort a couple of things, hence need for circuit. Have found legs on ebay!. A gret machine and good fun to play.
    Best regards,

    1. Barney, a thousand apologies, lost your email…If you email me I have scanned the circuit diagram into searchable pdfs which I can send you using sizeable send and you can download them and join them up..regards Peter

  5. hi
    I have the circuit diagram its about 300mm wide and 1metre long, I found it in an envelope inside aerobatics machine Ive just acquired
    is this what youre after?
    ribble valley

  6. ❓ I am looking for a schematic and/or manual for “Aerobatics”. I have mine up and running well after fixing various problems, but need to know how to set up the high score jumpers. Also need a set of original legs. Can anyone out there help please.

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