1977, em, 1 player
other serial numbers submitted: 0294, 0551
serial number range: 0561 – 0111 (= 450)
(IPDB link)
ROMs – DE, FR, GB, IT (David Gersic)
Manual + schematic (Tilt.it)
Instruction Cards (Inkochnito)
other serial numbers submitted: 0294, 0551
serial number range: 0561 – 0111 (= 450)
ROMs – DE, FR, GB, IT (David Gersic)
Manual + schematic (Tilt.it)
Instruction Cards (Inkochnito)
I sent the pics yesterday, and he posted ring kits (search ebay for 140975114363) and tune up kits, which include a few other items (search ebay for 181139558608).
Johnny, did you ever find a manual or which sizes for the rubbers? If not, I’m working with someone who says they have kits for all Zaccaria machines except Aerobatics. They say they can create a ring kit from photos, which I’m hoping to provide this week.
does anyone have a manual for a Zaccaria Aerobatics pinball machine? ALSO, i need to order new rubbers for this game. Does anyone have the sizes and the quantity that are needed? thanks, johnny . i live in houston texas USA
Hi Peter, thanks very much for your reply and for your time taken to scan the circuit in. Would be appreciated if you send PDF to me via barney@powerphase.demon.co.uk before the end of this month. I hope you have fun with yours and wishing you a happy Christmas!.
Best Regards, Barney.
Maybe I can help, I think to have the schematic in pdf too. Only, don’t really remember if it is the credit or add-a-ball version. This evening I’ll check it.
Hi Frederico, thanks for your respose. I appear to be sorted, but would appreciate you sending PDF as backup just in case there are any different versions etc. to barney@powerphase.demon.co.uk before end of this month. Many thanks and hope you have a happy Christmas. Regards, Barney.
HI Peter, thanks very much for responding, I had given up hope of finding a circuit!. Yes, that sounds like the size of a cicuit I found for a similar Zaccaria machine. Would much appreciate a high-res scan [detail on these can be tiny] via e-mail if possible, or post a photocopy. Will be happy to help you troubleshoot any problems with yours. My Aerobatics is still running fine and has lots of use, but still need to sort a couple of things, hence need for circuit. Have found legs on ebay!. A gret machine and good fun to play.
Best regards,
Barney, a thousand apologies, lost your email…If you email me I have scanned the circuit diagram into searchable pdfs which I can send you using sizeable send and you can download them and join them up..regards Peter
I have the circuit diagram its about 300mm wide and 1metre long, I found it in an envelope inside aerobatics machine Ive just acquired
is this what youre after?
ribble valley