Pinball Frunz 2002

the party - comments by Federico Croci

Pinball Frunz 2002: the party

Part 3 of 6

..Alex: "ehm, penso di si'.. ma cos'e' questa roba?"

..Alex: "ehm, I think so.. but what's this stuff?"

.."non capisco"..

.."I don't understand"..

.."sembra quasi un tunnel"..

.."looks like a tunnel"..

.."o forse sono finito sulla strada"..

.."or maybe I've ended up on the road"..

.."questi devono essere i fanali di una moto"..

.."these must be a motorcycle's headlights"..

.."pero' sta volando"..

.."but it's flying now"..

.."prometto che berro' di meno, la prox volta"..

.."I'll promise I'll drink less, next time"..